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The Fastest Way to

Realise Inspiring Ideas

Iterative Business Model Design & Application Prototype Development


Idea realisation 'à la carte'

Wherever you are in the process of realising your ideas, we can help

Validate and improve your solution

Most great ideas are not born as an epiphany. They start out rough and then go into all kinds of direc-tions over time. Does your solution solve a problem worth solving? We help you validate your solution. And find the right problem to solve for the right customers. We help you make your idea better.

Design a fitting and proven business model

Your business model defines what value you create for your custo-mers and how you're going to make money with it. Designing the right business model is like creating garlic soup. It's a continuous process of building, measuring and learning. We will guide you through this process step by step.

Build prototypes

and MVP's

Prototypes help you to validate ideas, improve UX and convince stakeholders and investors. We build prototypes ranging from clickable demo’s to full functional 

web- and mobile apps. You get a multidisciplinary private hackathon team to visualise your ideas in just a matter of days.

Onboard and engage your customers

We help you improve the communication between you and your customers. We make it easy for your customers to start using your service and keep existing customers coming back. Engagement is key for a viable product.

Optimise the User Experience

User experience is about making your users happy. We help you understand your users and know how they use your product. We use qualitative and quantitative analytics, testing with users, expert knowledge and common sense to improve your product's user experience.

Scale your solution to accustom growth

Your product is a success and everybody wants it. We help you design your solution's architecture to support your commercial roadmap. We build autonomous teams and automate software delivery while maintaining a culture with creativity and innovation.

Slimme Meter Lezer

Slimme Meter Lezer

Slimme Meter Lezer makes it easy to save energy. The app gives insight in your energy consumption and production per day, week and month on your smartphone.



Makes cooking together easy and fun. Choose recipes, invite friends and split the costs. Ad hoc dinner parties were never this easy.

mijn Witgoed

mijn Witgoed

The mijn Witgoed app automatically follows your white good appliances without having to install any extra equipment and advises you when it's time for maintenance.



Creates involvement, security and comfort in the neighbourhood. Relevant information about your neighbourhood, instant messaging with neighbours and the option to send problems in your area to the right parties.


The right ingredients

Up to date best practices, processes and tools

One Stop Shop

Realising your ideas is a process of trying, learning, and pivoting. We believe there should be one place where you can get everything you need.

Lean UX Design

Designing great UX is impossible without feedback from users. We have customer interaction integrated into our processes on all levels to create and maintain great user experience.  


Realising ideas is all about focus. Timeboxing is a great tool to make tough decisions. Together we turn your idea into a business model and prototype in one week.


We prefer partners over customers. This results into

an equal relationship where both parties have the same (end) goal in mind.

Agile Development

We believe projects evolve based on progressive insight. We strive to add value every iteraton. Agile development is key to delivering great products. We love scrum.

Lean Startup

Life is too short to build stuff nobody wants. We use lean startup principles to make sure we are focussing on the most critical assumptions for your business. 


Sometimes you are stuck or just need a sparring partner. We listen, offer guidance and give advice concerning your ideas and vision.  

Slicing The Pie

Can you realise your idea with little or no money? We believe in keeping things fair. We can help you set up a fair equity reward system to reward people that help you realise your idea.

Customer Development

We help you identify the right customer segments and verify if they experience the problems your solution solves. 

Contact us

Visitors: Binckhorstlaan 36, 2516 BE Den Haag, Netherlands

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Winner of Apps for energy Hackathon 2014

with Slurpers

Sustainability of energy put in a new gaming perspective with ‘Slurpers’. This app engages children and their parents to catch  â€˜energy guzzlers at home’ and reduce vampire consumption of home appliances.


Source: Utrecht Inc

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